#Beginner - Higher Lower Game Project

Budapest Hotel.png

Introduction & Program Requirements for the Higher Lower Game

Which Gets Googled More? Play The Higher Lower Game

Game rule:

  1. Load and print art logo of high low game
  2. Print your current score
  3. Print compare A’s Name, Job description, Country
  4. Load and print art logo of vs.
  5. Print Against B’s Name, Job description, Country
  6. Print Who has more followers? Type ‘A’ or ‘B’:
  7. if answer is wrong, game over, otherwise go to next round
  8. Player continues game and then to assign the value of Against B to Compare A before going to next round

Use Case Diagram - Sequence Diagram:

Day 6 軟體設計及架構 --- Sequence Diagram (時序圖) - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救 IT 人的一天


下圖用來描述本此例題的Sequence flow message between Object
