#Beginner - understanding Data Types and How to manipulate Strings

Learn how to manipulate Data types, Numbers, Operations, Type Conversion, f-Strings

Len(object) function return with integer

What is Data types in Python? There are String, Integer, Float, Boolean

String (字串資料型態)

1. “Hello”, 字串表示是以雙引號置於內容值左右兩邊

2. “Hello”[0], express how to get specific individual character, in this case which first character value is “H”

3. 字串相加 “String” + “String”

#Integer (整數資料型態)

  1. 例如 123, 456

  2. print(123+456) which result is 579 to be printed out

  3. 人類看得懂的數字表示法, 例如123456789 在現實中大整數是以123,456,789來表示, 在Python 語言中大數字可以123_456_789來表示較為容易理解, Python 直譯器會自動忽略 “_”的字元

#Float (浮點數)

ex, 3.14159

#Boolean (布林, 表示真 或 假的邏輯比較, 為了檢驗某件事是否屬實, 並依據真或假做出相對應的動作)