Goals: what you will make by the end of the day (2)

Open Trivia DB


Trivia Question API Challenge (6)

  1. Modify the data.py file (don’t change the main.py)

  2. Make a get() request to fetch 10 True or False questions.

  3. Parse the JSON response and replace the value of question_data (don’t change the variable name)

  4. Hint: create a Python dictionary for the amount and type parameters.

Solution & Walkthrough for getting Trivia Questions (4)

import requests

URL = "<https://opentdb.com/api.php?amount=10&category=18&difficulty=medium&type=boolean>"
response = requests.get(URL)
data = response.json()

question_data = data["results"]

Unescaping HTML Entitles (4)

HTML Entities