Goals: what you will make by the end of the day

Setup 1 - Setup Your LinkedIn Login

Project Objective

The goal of today's project is to learn to use Selenium to automate applying for jobs. Thus, by the end of today, you should have a program that can use LinkedIn's "Easy Apply" function to send applications to all the jobs that meet your criteria (instead of just a single listing).

If you have any reservations about sending job applications to the job listings on LinkedIn, an alternative is to "Save" all the jobs that meet your criteria and follow the company that posted the job instead.

Sign up to LinkedIn and Configure your Profile

We'll be using LinkedIn to apply for jobs automatically, so you'll need to set up your profile and account on the website before we get started.

  1. Make sure you've signed up to LinkedIn and save your email and password somewhere for later use.

NOTE: Do not enable 2-factor authentication/phone number verification while we are using Selenium. If you don't want to use your primary account for this project, feel free to set up a new LinkedIn account.

  1. Companies who look at your application will look through your LinkedIn profile to see if you have the skills and necessary work experience. If you are serious about applying for jobs make sure you update your LinkedIn Profile.

  2. Upload your resume by going to Me -> Settings & Privacy -> Job Seeking Preferences -> Job Application Settings