Download the Starting Project

Using the knowledge we've gained, we're going to take our blog even further. We'll add more HTTP routes so that you can create new blog posts, edit posts and delete posts. All inside your blog website.

This is what your blog will be able to do after today:

Requirement 1 - Be Able to GET Blog Post Items

  1. Download the starting .zip files from this lessons resources (Starting Files -

  2. Unzip and open the project in PyCharm.

  3. Make sure that the required packages (imports) are all installed and there are no red underlines.

The starting files consists of an SQLite database called posts.db, I created this in the same way we created databases before. I added all the posts that were previously stored on our npoint JSON bucket.

  1. Take a look a the database using DB Viewer and familiarise yourself with the fields in the database.

Requirement 2 - Be Able to POST a New Blog Post